
Do you have an opinion? 10-4

Dear Editor:
My son Ygnacio “Notch” Bermudez died on November 10, 2011.  It was a senseless murder.  Rick Strong, the accused, was recently arrested in North Carolina.

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Do you have an opinion? 11-2

Dear TNCP,
I just read the January 29, 2012 – February 11, 2012 edition, it was a great read. I love the “Mother Flippin’: One Funny Mother – To the Students of Penn State” article. I really enjoyed the “Documentary on Slavery Spurs Racial Healing” article.   Thanks for the great job!
Michael Todd
Lansing, MI

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-2

Dear Readers,
The most innocent things can make for the most interesting memories.
I was scanning my Facebook page (that is what you do while you are working on two computers) and I saw a link for a craft.

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Do you have an opinion? 11-1

Dear Rina,
I learned of a court settlement for living victims of the horrific forced sterilizations legally conducted in some Southern states; sterilizations conducted on people of  color, including pre-teens. Because people of color were stereotyped as being lazy, and in large part stigmatized because they were poor, sterilization was an answer to the prejudiced population’s hatred for the poor.  In turn, I submit, from my experience with being stereotyped as lazy or different because I have been extremely poor, I know firsthand that the appeal of the drug testing scenario for welfare recipients is a way to punish the poor and satisfy the inner demons of those who stereotype the poor.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 11-1

Dear Readers,
I must be getting old.  I must be getting wiser.  Working with people in Lansing, I know I am getting smarter.
I am hoping that every single person that picks up the newspaper, will benefit from something that was read in it.
I love people.  Amazingly so not everyone does.  I did not say that I did not like the way some people are.  I said I love people.  I love them in all of their spaces.  While I may choose not to be around them, talk to them or do business with them, I still love them for just who they are.  I do not have a choice.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-26

Dear Readers,
I am noticing that plenty of people are resolving to be happier this year.  I think that is an amazing possibility for all.  This year, I will do things differently.  I will work harder on my imperfections.  I will work harder at listening more.  I will work harder to be a better businessperson.  I will work harder to accept responsibility for the things I have done in the past without excuses.  

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Do you have an opinion? 10-26

  I caught sight of a little blurb of yours in the January 1 edition of your newspaper, and this reminded me (yet again!) to send you a quick note.
Therese Hercher, MSU  Dept. of Epidemiology

I pray we can all start making better choices in our lives by making better decisions but until then I hope God has mercy on the souls that make bad choices. God made mankind to give life and not take it.

Lenny McDonald, Lansing, MI

January 16th is the only national holiday that commemorates the peace and justice work of a U. S. citizen.  I’m a Vietnam veteran and for me,

Arnold Stieber, Grass Lake, MI 


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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-25

Dear Readers,
Live Simply. Take Chances. Love people!  Our mantra for 2012 is derived from our current and past sense of renewal. We love Lansing.  We love Michigan.  We have hope and suggest that you find it in your soul as well.  The new year will be particularly interesting as I move into new spaces and leave sluggish spaces in the past.  We are ushering The New Citizens Press right along as well. 

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Do you have an opinion? 10-25

Dear Rina,
Every year at this time most of us exchange pleasantries and gifts and generally have a ‘feel-good’ outlook  during the holiday season.  This holiday season I feel especially good because of receiving a present in November that  gave me a great deal of elation.  My present is from El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Academy which is commonly referred to as Shabazz Academy.  This school, located on the corner of Martin Luther King, Jr and Barnes in South Lansing,  has “Beaten  the Odds” according to Michigan State Superintendent Mike Flanagan.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-24

Dear Readers,
It is a very interesting time.  I become very concerned when people say, “They are taking the Christ out of  Christmas”.  Who is “they”?   When I see statements like that and how many people believe that I am kind of confused.   Who is waging this new world religious psychological warfare? No one can take the Christ out of  my Christmas.   How does one believe that “they” are in control of what “you” believe?  Sounds, tricky to me.  When I see Christians being mean about it and using aggressive language, in my humble opinion, those types of statements do nothing for peace, joy and happiness on earth.  Behaving badly over saying “Happy Holidays” is not very Christ-like.  We live in an amazing world with so many different people and we should embrace who we are and respect who they are. 

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