
Excuse me are you Listening? 10-22

Dear Readers,

I watched my friend, Kristen Taylor, sip on a glass of tonic water as we sat in an area in front of the bar at Xiao China Grille & Lounge located at 3415 East Saginaw Street in Lansing, MI.

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Do You Have an Opinion? 10-22

Dear Rina,

I wanted to send you this in honor of Veterans Day.

Bellaire Bridge Calls Me Home…from a memoir written for my Dad

By Nancy Allen

My dad was born in Moundsville, West Virginia, the oldest child of Pap a coal miner and Katherine a Russian immigrant.  The mines and the steel mills were always by the Ohio river where the heart of the city beats and flows.  Everything in the valley runs along side the Ohio River, and the only way that you could get across the river to West Virginia was, and is, the Bellaire Bridge.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-21

Dear Readers,
Thanksgiving is a very special time for most.  It is a time when friends and family should be giving thanks for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon them during the year.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-20

Dear Readers,
In August, I heard one of the most interesting quotes:
“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.”

– Ben Okri

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-19

Dear Readers,
I have been head over heels in love with life these days.  Things are going good.  I have loyal friends.  Business is getting better.  I am more focused.  I am branching out more.  I spend a lot of time on the phone and email with non related business issues.  I am cutting back.  

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-18

My mother conjures memories of recycling in a whole new and different way. I wonder if I am living up to her expectations? 
Dear Readers,
Surround yourself and your family with healthier and happier people and great things will begin to happen!

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Do you have an opinion? Your letters 10-18

Michigan Open Carry Law – is wrong…
The Second Amendment does not guarantee that every citizen can carry a gun – this Amendment was written in the 1791, which is 220 years ago, when war weary American’s were afraid of the British, French, Canadians, Germans, Native Americans.  At that time,  there was no United States Army, no organized militias, no state police and no local police.  You had to protect your family and home by yourself, by any means necessary, it was a dangerous time.

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-17

Dear Readers,
There was no way to prepare for it.  When Captain called, I checked my calendar hoping that I had appointments but I did not.  My calendar was totally open for Labor Day.  I told him to check and see if the place was open.  What facilities are open on a state holiday?  I was pensive, not really afraid because I just knew the place would be closed.  

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Excuse me, are you listening? 10-16

Dear Readers,
When was the last time you had an entirely happy summer?  I have had just that.  It has been filled with good friends and good times.  I am feeling so amazing!  

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