
Do you have an opinion? 11-22

Dear TNCP,
As a military veteran (Army, infantry, Viet Nam) I invite everyone to take a few moments each Veteran’s Day and think about the interconnectedness of life. 

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Do you have an opinion? 11-15

Dear TNCP,

Rhama Word House is delighted to announce the recent grant awarded by the Capitol Region Community Foundation. 

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Do you have an opinion? 11-14

As we learn more about the atrocity that occurred at the Colorado movie theater, it concomitantly breaks my heart to hear of the loss of life and injuries and impacted families and strengthens my appreciation for the numerous acts of valor and compassion like the one President Obama recited during his remarks. 

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Do you have an opinion? 11-11

Hello Ms. Risper,

I enjoyed your article on Lonnie Johnson and his family history. There are some old Lansing families you might consider looking into. Some are friends who are very successful attorneys now. Vence Bonham’s father was a community leader in Lansing and President of the NAACP here.

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Do you have an opinion? 10-4

Dear Editor:
My son Ygnacio “Notch” Bermudez died on November 10, 2011.  It was a senseless murder.  Rick Strong, the accused, was recently arrested in North Carolina.

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Do you have an opinion? 11-2

Dear TNCP,
I just read the January 29, 2012 – February 11, 2012 edition, it was a great read. I love the “Mother Flippin’: One Funny Mother – To the Students of Penn State” article. I really enjoyed the “Documentary on Slavery Spurs Racial Healing” article.   Thanks for the great job!
Michael Todd
Lansing, MI

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Do you have an opinion? 11-1

Dear Rina,
I learned of a court settlement for living victims of the horrific forced sterilizations legally conducted in some Southern states; sterilizations conducted on people of  color, including pre-teens. Because people of color were stereotyped as being lazy, and in large part stigmatized because they were poor, sterilization was an answer to the prejudiced population’s hatred for the poor.  In turn, I submit, from my experience with being stereotyped as lazy or different because I have been extremely poor, I know firsthand that the appeal of the drug testing scenario for welfare recipients is a way to punish the poor and satisfy the inner demons of those who stereotype the poor.

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Do you have an opinion? 10-26

  I caught sight of a little blurb of yours in the January 1 edition of your newspaper, and this reminded me (yet again!) to send you a quick note.
Therese Hercher, MSU  Dept. of Epidemiology

I pray we can all start making better choices in our lives by making better decisions but until then I hope God has mercy on the souls that make bad choices. God made mankind to give life and not take it.

Lenny McDonald, Lansing, MI

January 16th is the only national holiday that commemorates the peace and justice work of a U. S. citizen.  I’m a Vietnam veteran and for me,

Arnold Stieber, Grass Lake, MI 


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Do you have an opinion? 10-25

Dear Rina,
Every year at this time most of us exchange pleasantries and gifts and generally have a ‘feel-good’ outlook  during the holiday season.  This holiday season I feel especially good because of receiving a present in November that  gave me a great deal of elation.  My present is from El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Academy which is commonly referred to as Shabazz Academy.  This school, located on the corner of Martin Luther King, Jr and Barnes in South Lansing,  has “Beaten  the Odds” according to Michigan State Superintendent Mike Flanagan.

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Do You Have an Opinion? 10-22

Dear Rina,

I wanted to send you this in honor of Veterans Day.

Bellaire Bridge Calls Me Home…from a memoir written for my Dad

By Nancy Allen

My dad was born in Moundsville, West Virginia, the oldest child of Pap a coal miner and Katherine a Russian immigrant.  The mines and the steel mills were always by the Ohio river where the heart of the city beats and flows.  Everything in the valley runs along side the Ohio River, and the only way that you could get across the river to West Virginia was, and is, the Bellaire Bridge.

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