
Derrick Quinney

Are you involved in your local neighborhood association?  How long?  If not what other local volunteer/civic organizations have
I am involved with the Lewton-Rich Neighborhood Association for the past 3.5 years.

 In what capacity have you ever worked with those who are economically distressed?people of color?  I currently work with the A. Philip Randolph Institute delivering food baskets for the holiday seasons; for the past 7 years I have worked with the Old Newsboys and the United Way.

 How will you encourage voters that don’t typically vote?.    Door-to-door, and the A. Philip Randolph Institute Get Out The Vote (GOTV).
Do or did your children attend school in Lansing? Yes, three generations attended Lansing Public Schools.  My wife and I, my children, and currently, my grandchildren.

How do you plan to build relationships with churches, businesses and residents?    Being accessible whenever needed. 

What are your plans for the Southside, especially the Pleasant Grove and Holmes  intersection? I want to develop Lansing’s main corridors like Pleasant Grove and Holmes intersection as a way to spread improvements to the city’s business climate and neighborhoods.

What is your  opinion regarding the Southside Community Center? combining the Capital Area District Library with the Impression Five museum?  plans for Oliver Towers? Southside Community Center is a great attribute and resource for the citizens of  South Lansing.  I think combining the Capital Area District with the Impression 5 Museum is a great idea.  I also support the plans for the Oliver Towers. 

Where did you candidates attend K-12?    I attended schools within the Lansing School District through high school.  I was in the first graduating class from Harry Hill High School. 

What is your educational background?     I graduated from Harry Hill High School, and attended Lansing Community College.  I am currently the Occupational Health and Safety Director for the Michigan State AFL-CIO

What is your favorite recreational spot?    In my leisure down time, I enjoy playing golf

Do you feel that Lansing is on the move and why?    Lansing is on the move including downtown and instilling a strong sense of community amongst its residents.