
Do you have an opinion? 4-11

Dear New Citizens Press:

I’ve had the chance to read The New Citizens from time to time. I thought the June’s special edition of the “Best, Brightest, and Most Beautiful” list was particularly interesting. It’s good why to find out about the movers and shakers in the community who are doing a variety of interesting things.
I remember Tiya from performing with the Black Poets Society when I was at MSU. I thought she was one of the stand out performers and would love to know when her book will be available and also when she will be performing again. Also, I am interested in photography and would like to get more experience in this area so I was hoping to get in contact with Rachel Lipscomb to see if I could possibly assist her in any upcoming projects she will be working on. I have only taken one Black and White photography class at MSU but I have been looking for an opportunity to build upon my photography skills and I think that assisting someone like Rachel will give me an opportunity to learn a lot.
Thanks again and keep up the good work.


Ashley Bell

Thanks Ashley, that was one our most difficult editions.  All I can say is thank you and I have forwarded on your comments.


Rina Risper

Dear TNCP,

I will definitely come out and be a support of one of these events.(Poetry in the Park series, see ad on Page 8).  I saw the “2005’s Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful” edition.   I do not take it lightly that Mizz Reality made the cut. Thanks New Citizens Press. To be recognized in the community for my achievements and hard work alone, suggests to all to keep Pressin! God Bless you.
Mizz Reality

Dear Mizz Reality,

As you know we are here to support the community!!!  Below is an e-mail that we received from a radio station in Pennsylvania.  It is our job to help Lansing get out nationally!!


My name is Pasta Beatz of MGHH Radio/Magazine set to launch July 4th 2005.
I am writing to request your permission to reprint this article. http://www.blackflix.com/articles/mizz.reality.html
The article will include your credits & a link back to your web address.
Thanks for your kind consideration.

Pasta Beatz

J & A Productions LLC
717 Radio
MGH Radio.Magazine

To Whom it may concern:

Of course, you can reprint out story on Mizz Reality.  She is a standout in the Gospel HipHop arena.


Rina Risper

Note: In our November 13, 2004 – November 27, 2004 edition, we did a story entitled “Mizz Reality Creates Hot Tracks After Some Soul Searching”.
We work hard for the people who we feature in the newspaper and our advertisers.  Mizz Reality advertised her events with the newspaper and in return we have been exposing her nationally.  We have the article published in XPOZ magazine based in Phoenix, AZ ,www.blackflix.com in Denver, CO and  717 Radio in Central Pennsylvania.  Support those who support you!