
Do you have an opinion? 4-14

Denise would love to hear from you!  Read a good book?  Enjoyed one of the books reviewed in this column?  Have a book or writing question?  Contact TNCP’s book review columnist @ soulfar@aol.com.


Last night was amazing!!!!  I am so proud of you!!  You are doing an awesome job with this series!
Just wanted to let you know…..
D. Vinson
Lansing, MI

This e-mail was regarding the Poetry in the Park performance that was held at the Turner Dodge House on July 28, 2005.  It has been an absolutely amazing series.  I am pleased to say that the millage has passed for Lansing Parks and Recreation to continue the upkeep of our parks.  If you have not been go and visit one or more.  Support their events usually they are free.
   Our first poetry reading was held on June 30, 2005 and there were about 200 in attendance.  Our second poetry reading was held on July 14, 2005 and there were about 100 people in attendance. On that same night we were competing with John Legend. 
   Our third poetry reading had about 250 in attendance.   We are grateful because our goal was between 75-100 attendees for each event.
    We have had the utmost support and professionalism from Lansing Parks and Recreation.  My highest regard for Brett Kachinski who works for them.  He is an awesome employee and they are so lucky to have him.  Thanks Brett.  Thanks also to Murdock Jemerson.