
Do You Have An Opinion 4-19

UPDATE:   We received an update on Ronnie Sujak from her friend Besty Yonkman.  We did a story on Ronnie and her fight against cancer in our April 3, 2005- April 16, 2005 edition entitled “One Mic One Life Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser Set for April 24, 2005 at 621- Personal Stories of Young Women’s Experiences With Breast Cancer”.
  According to an e-mail sent to us by Betsy,  Ronnie has continued having rough days.  It’s been very difficult for her to eat anything and if she does it’s often near impossible for her to keep it down.  This coupled with her pain and dehydration; to mention just a few things.  She’s had it rough.  Sleeping fills most of her days lately….she hates that.   
   Earlier. she had what James  (Ronnie’s husband) calls an amazing day.  She ate more than she has in one day in probably 3 weeks.(about seven to eight hundred calories.)  She was awake and even up for a portion of an hour.  She is weak, malnourished, and lethargic much of the time.  But guys I kid you not….She is still that SASSY, STUBBORN, Ronnie we all know and love.  She continues to micromanage and is constantly thinking of others even flat on her back in bed.  She must do it in her sleep ’cause she soooo good at it.  Really.
NOTE:  Three Wishes is a new TV show on NBC – Friday nights, hosted by Amy Grant.  She travels around the country, looking for human interest stories and also trying to “grant wishes” to people in need.  On the weekend of Oct. 1-2, she was in Marshall and Mason Michigan.
   Betsy Yonkman, Ronnie’s best friend, went with James and Cadigan Smith to interview for the program. Their “wish” is publish Ronnie’s books. Whoever the TV series chooses will probably be taped/filmed in December for the TV program.

Good afternoon Rina,
   Just wanted to say thanks again for the tickets.  The comedy show was great.  Chris Thomas (former BET host)  was the funniest.  COCO was also hilarious.
    Thanks again and please keep me in mind in the future when you’re trying to get rid of any tickets.
Latrese Roberts
Lansing, MI


     It is funny how we met in the waiting area of Sophisticated Styles (hair salons are the best places to meet people,  I have met some of the most beautiful people at Sophisticated Styles) and I was frazzled because I had to giveaway 20 tickets to the P Diddy’s Bad Boys of Comedy event on October 21, 2005 at the Fox Theater in Detroit, MI in two days. 
     I glad that you had a good time. We pride ourselves in encouraging people to have a good time in life. 
NOTE:  We are accepting all views on the Hurricane Katrina situation.  Please send your views to tncp@comcast.net or give us a call at 517 372 8466.