
Do You Have An Opinion? 4-4

Dear TNCP,

In your February 20, 2005 – March 6,  2005 edition Sponge Bob Please find the attached article regarding the ridiculous claims that have been made to cartoon characters "sexual preferences." I do get tired of news media and inaccurate reportings. Why attack a man that has spent his life fighting to help build the family unit in America? News people should just state the facts and let the audience formulate their own opinions, and if necessary, do their own investigation of the facts.


Barbara Vincent.

Dear Ms. Vincent,

Thank  you for your letter, at TNCP we strive to provide information to the community.  When we find that there are two sides to the story we print both.  We give equal opportunity. 
   We have printed a letter written from Dr. Dobson and we will let the readers decide.

Rina Risper

Dear Editor:

     My recent visit to Lansing, Michigan as an artist in residence teaching in four of the schools presented me with an opportunity to meet the movers and shakers in the Lansing poetry community.  Each year I return, it seems like the poets are stepping out of the closet and the community supporting the poets has blossomed.
    This letter is to congratulate you and the community for supporting poets which was certainly evident at Way Station Books & Stuff, Cafetzin Coffee Shop, Creole Gallery and Gregory’s Ice & Smoke and for the presentation of Marc Pinante and Grupo Serpentino!  All this activity was great to witness and be part of on this visit.  I will always be supportive of this sort of literary movement especially in my home state.
   Naomi Shabib Nye, once said "if you want to make peace read Rumi!"  When poets gather the community comes together to share culture, wisdom and stories and we grow . . . keep up this important work that you do.
  I’ll close with this invitation to readers who are not familiar with the poetry scene, I invite you turn off the television and  attend one of the local poetry readings, and support the new voices in your community.


Trinidad Sánchez, Jr.

Author: Why Am I So Brown?

Dear  TNCP,
     What a fantastic interview and article about modern day slavery.  Thank you,  for prioritizing it.   The reporter did a beautiful job.  Many thanks.

Martha Fujita
Global Hope Makers
“A Coalition for Global Awareness and Understanding.”

Ms. Fujita,

Thank you for your kind words.  Modern slavery is very prevalent in today’s society.  We do not have enough information being given about it.  When it is spoken or written about the word “slavery” is not mentioned for the most part.
    I learn every time I read articles.  I learned that the human trafficking is still alive and well today.  I do not know how to explain the misery of what some have to go through for the dream.
    We have to continue to work together to provide a better understanding.  Blacks have been emancipated for over 100 years and the struggle and oppression is still quite evident.

Rina Risper


   Many thanks for the big spread for Dr. Bales.  I knew that you would do  your best for Martha, but I hadn’t expected the middle of the front page (and more).  Your readers now have the opportunity to know more about modern slavery, and maybe more of your readers will show up at the next Hopemakers’ or Greater Lansing United Nations Association (GLUNA) event.
     Other articles of special interest to me dealt with Black History Month (one month of feeling good or guilty–with very little White participation) and the list of Phi Beta Sigma members (not enough non-athletes).
    The "New Citizens Press" is the only Michigan newspaper that I subscribe to.  Keep up the good work.

Lyndon B.

Thank you.  We are not perfect but we strive to be fair.  We just need to know what the readers are thinking.