
Do You Have An Opinion? 6-19

Dear Editor,

   We’ve just finished with a midterm election and accomplished nothing. Some of the players changed, but the game didn’t. They still accomplish nothing. Their main concern is getting votes for the upcoming 2008 Presidential Election instead of the problems facing our nation.
     There is a lot of discontent with our political system today, so I decided to refresh my memory with what happens in a presidential election. There are primaries, but they’re no held in every state. Movements to establish a nationwide primary election have been unsuccessful to date. The Elephants and Donkeys take the results to their national convention to determine who will bring in the most votes and pick their candidate. You have to ask yourself if your vote meant anything and remember on some cases you didn’t get a chance to vote your opinion. This year, some states have been bumping up their primary and news media says that in future elections this will result in that only the very rich or famous will be able to run for president. Is this what our forefathers envisioned for our country?
     In the final election the votes are tallied. You can have the popular vote and still lose the election because the Election College makes the end decision in a recent election and did not coincide with the popular vote. Look where we are today.
     Our politicians have setup a system that works for them, and “we, the people” are left by the wayside. Some people believe there is a group called The Third Triumphant that actually determines who the president will be. Not knowing what’s behind the closed doors in the political arena, it may be possible.
     During the midterm election there was talk about a third part and perhaps its time. I know in 1992 Perot scared the hell out of the elephants and donkeys because he could afford to go toe to toe with them. Sam Waterson of “Law and Order” has been asked to join them at a group started by an elephant and a donkey. They are supposed to be for the people. Perhaps it’s worth looking into.
     Are “we the people” electing the president or is the political system picking one? Whatever is happening we get to watch “ The Elephant and Donkey Show” knowing whatever happens that promises made will end up on the shelf once they’ve taken office. I think they need new writers because they’ve never made the Academy Awards. 

William (Bill) L. Furlow
Ocean Springs, MS