
Do you have an opinion? 6-23

Publisher’s Note:  With two recent sexual assaults in  the Lansing area.  I urge the readers to urge open dialogue about protecting women and families.  This affects all of us.

Dear Rina,

Making History at Lansing City Hall

On November 29, history was made at Lansing’s City Hall.  The Committee of the Whole held a dialogue about preventing violence against women with survivors of physical, sexual, and emotional violence. 

Four women, of whom I was one, shared our experiences with purpose: to provide firsthand insight about living with the daily aftermath of violence, and to urge officials to prioritize the prevention of violence directed at women in our community.

It was the first time that a committee at City Hall slated survivors on its agenda to discuss safety policymaking/ crime fighting.  Advocates Erica Schmidtiel of MSU Safe Place and Kathleen Miller of the MSU Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention program — both programs that serve Lansing residents – gave public comment as well.

Council members and Lansing residents brainstormed many ways that the City of Lansing may reach the public:  City TV and its web site, educational programs in schools, providing anti-violence resources to new residents.  For a full account of these suggestions, visit the Women Writers blog <http://womenwriters.blogspot.com/2007/11/1129-dialogue-report.html>.

Council Members who were present — Jeffries, Kaltenbach, Leeman, Matt, Quinney, and Wood – agreed on several outcomes: to keep the matter of preventing violence against women as pending for the 2008 City Council, to form a subcommittee to follow up on suggestions, and to contact the present advocates about future committee meetings on this topic.

–Melissa Dey Hasbrook, Lansing, MI

The Hallelujah Bowl is coming up.  It will be held at Metro Bowl (Now newly renovated Sky Lanes bowling alley).  It is located at 5141 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Lansing, MI.
   This event will take place on December 31, 2007 from 9PM – 1AM, and it is my prayer that we will be able to open this event up to the public for free.  Originally, our plan was to sell tickets at $25.00 each; but with our economy today; people have their priorities elsewhere.  We owe the bowling alley the second half of the total cost the entire bowling alley is 40 lanes.
     It is now our hope that people will sponsor tickets in order that this can be an event for young people and families who don’t attend the traditional watch night services. 
     If you can sponsor one ticket, I appreciate you; and if you can sponsor more, praise the Lord!  The tickets are now just $15.00 and at this point. 
     This is an out of the box ministry idea of Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church, and I would appreciate all of your support! Please call us at 517-882-5722.
Rev. Nathan A. Dixon
Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church

Note:  Rev. Dixon has been doing some fantastic and innovative things in the community.  If you cannot attend the event, sponsor a ticket so that our youth will have something constructive to do on New Years Eve.