
Do you have an opinion? 7-11

Dear Editor:

Surely your desk is cluttered with writings from people hoping to entice you into printing their written works.  I am one of those people.  As a prisoner in the Loisianan State Prison, Angola, Louisiana, I’m intimately aware of the darker side of politics driving our criminal justice system. I may not be a writer, per se, but I do have a story to tell; along with factual pieces to help enlighten some who are blind. I am not seeking fortune or fame. Rather, I am doing what I can to make a difference for my growing nephews and the millions of other children in this nation. The status quo must change in our time to ensure their time offers them a fighting chance. Print this piece my friend. It may just be what the doctor ordered.

John Cousin#200864; Spruce 2
Louisiana State Prison
Angola, LA

Note: We will be printing Mr. Cousins article that he sent in the next edition.