
Do you have an opinion? A Tribute to the New Citizens Press

By Sherrie Ross

     The New Citizens Press has certainly been a viable voice in the community. It speaks and it says something! People listen, learn, and take courses of action based on the informative and responsible reporting of this newspaper. The past five years have undoubtedly been challenging but people who know Rina Risper know and embrace her commitment to bring perspective to diverse and challenging issues. It’s nothing for Rina to hoist a child or two on her hip as she delivers Newspapers around town. It’s nothing for Rina to get involved as a volunteer quilting, hosting Poetry in the Park, sending youths to plays, musicals, and other activities. Distance is no factor for Rina. She packs her bags and go where there is a story and an opportunity to mentor young people. From the Halls of Thomas M. Cooley Law School to College Park Georgia, young people have heard the unwavering and uncompromised talks of this Owner and Publisher who strives to encourage everyone that they too can achieve and discover who they are through writing.
    Rina broke the barrier of many stereotypes as she shared her story of domestic violence through poetry. Yet, moved and unhurried there was the surge of overcoming obstacles, barriers, and would be player haters. In the end, most of what she stands for and believes is giving a voice to people: readers, non-readers, politicians, and the like. The bottom line has always been informative reporting, great writing, community service, and information sharing.
    Not many people will ever know the countless hours that are spent chasing after folk who make contracts to advertise in the paper and renege when it comes time to pay up. No one will ever know how often people try to use the Newspaper for their own political gain and influence. You don’t know the backbiting that goes on behind the scenes to destroy a black woman who happens to own her own Newspaper. Despite efforts of sabotage and negative influence, the New Citizens Press has forged on to be the voice of the under dog in some respects and to provide a voice that resounds and uplift everyone.
    This commitment along with struggles natural to the cause should never be taken lightly. We are thankful for the work in the community that Rina Risper has done. Dr. Christine Johnson, Dr. Colleen Adams, Mrs. Jackie Day, Mr. Bruce Shaw, and Ms. Mei Lanzar along with my husband, Rodney Ross, and myself are thankful for her untiring spirit and perseverance to continue to do more! This tribute voices the sentiment of others who support her untiring efforts and who look forward to many more years to come!

With deep honor and gratitude,
Happy 5th Anniversary

Attorney Sherrie C. Ross
Detroit, MI