
Do you have an opinion? Your letters 4-2

 Dear TNCP,

      You inspire me!
      I came this close to calling it quits.  In December my computer crashed and I lost everything.  Years of work vanished just-like-that.  As a precaution, I had backed my files up on CD, even checked to make sure the files were there.  A day or so later when I went back to the CD, it was blank.  (As a tip, I encourage you to save files to disk, get a spyware software package for your PC, anti-virus program and a firewall). 
     The files gone in as little as a moment, I sat back and thought about low book sales, working a demanding full-time job, busted dreams, and nearly quit.  I thought about the many, many people who have written about or submitted into our 5th annual writing contest which ends this month, the artists I promised I’d feature in The Book Lover’s Haven, the few writers and readers who contacted me and told me they enjoyed my work, and I decided for them I’d keep going. 
     After my computer crashed I had to go through printed copies of newsletter subscriptions all the way back to 2000 to restore the database for the newsletter.  The manual work of restoring thousands of records is part of what took so long to get the first issue of 2005 out.  That said, because I manually rebuilt the list from paper files going back five years, if you would like to unsubscribe from The Book Lover’s Haven (and we’d certainly love to have you stay!) please send me an email at:  chistell@aol.com
      How fitting that our first this issue of The Book Lover’s Haven (online newsletter) features the author of a debut novel titled Soaring on Clipped Wings.  Sitting here typing this and thinking about Soaring on Clipped Wings and what I presently struggle with serves as one of my life’s “uncanny” experiences.  Years ago I was a new writer with a belief in my dreams as an artist that could not be shaken.  That has changed over the years.  However, I continue to believe in the power of good story and commit to supporting new and established authors in this newsletter, via writing contests, press releases and interviews.  Even if I never realize my dreams as an author, I will support readers and writers and remain active and steadfast in doing what I can to help you soar!
    Learn from what Darcel Williams, the featured artist in this special issue has to share.  Keep going even during times when it appears to make much better sense to simply quit. 
   My friends, enjoy this special issue – the very first issue of The Book Lover’s Haven in 2005!
In This Issue You Will Find:

*Contest/Writing Conferences/Book Fairs/Bestseller Lists
*Paying writing related job openings
*Feature interview with Darcel Williams
*Excellent web site links for readers and writers

Denise Turney,
TNCP Book Reviewer

PUBLISHER’S NOTE:  Support our book reviewer, sign up for her newsletters at www.chistell.com  and buy her book at your local bookstore.