
Do you have an opinion? Your letters 8-17

The Committee for the City of Lansing Veterans Day Tribute needs your help.  We are in the process of developing an audio/visual slide show to honor local veterans at the 2009 Veterans Day Tribute.  We would like to include as many local veterans and current active/deployed military personnel.

City of Lansing Veterans Day Tribute will be held on
November 7, 2009 at the Don Johnson Field House from 10:00 am  – 12:00 pm.

Please send us a picture(s) of you or your family member in uniform.  Include the veteran’s name, rank, branch of service, period of service and any other information that you may deem relevant.  This slide show will start at approximately 10:00 prior to the Massing of the Colors.

Please email your pictures to Amy Pocan at  va_pocan@ingham.org

If you have any questions on this please contact Amy at (517) 887-4387.

Thank you for your assistance and hope to see you at the Tribute on Saturday, November 7th!


Randy A. Marwede

Ingham County Department of Veteran Affairs

AAUW (American Association of University Women) Sets the Record Straight

AAUW has been victimized by an act of blatant fraud. We have been informed, and confirmed with our Virginia affiliate, that an agent of Bonner & Associates – through its work with the Hawthorn Group and the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity – forged one or more letters from AAUW to members of Congress. Other well-known organizations were similarly targeted. The goal was to further the coal industry’s lobbying efforts against the Clean Energy and Security Act, also known as the “cap and trade” legislation.

Energy policy is not a topic on which AAUW advocates. We are best known for playing a leading role in some of the nation’s greatest public policy success stories in the areas of pay equity, family-friendly workplaces and education.

This incident constitutes outright deceit and demonstrates a breathtaking lack of ethics. AAUW greatly resents having been portrayed in false light, and sympathizes with the other organizations that have been victims of this outrageous act. We also fully support Rep. Edward J. Markey’s investigation into this matter. When members of Congress receive a letter from AAUW and its members, they should feel confident that they are being contacted by real people committed to the principles of our great democracy and the mission of AAUW. Cynical and premeditated lies have no place in public policy debates.

AAUW Executive Director Linda D. Hallman, CAE