
Do you have an opinion? Your letters 8-26

 Dear Rina,

We are still training and giving volunteers opportunity to serve in prisons, jails,  youth offender facilities, nursing homes, etc.  We have programs going seven days each week offering topical studies such as Man in The Mirror, Job Readiness, Celebrate Recovery, etc.  We send musical groups to prison facilities and material shipments this year have amounted to 26,000 pounds.  Wow, we are so grateful and really needing more helps and helpers in the 2010.  We just finished our annual, “Angel Tree,” program furnishing gifts to 125 children who have incarcerated parents and looking forward to sending some to camp experiences again this year.
Rina, this is such a joy and privilege.  There are others in our greater community who if they knew how to, as our mission statement reads, “helping others, help others,” they would get on board and join the team to make wonderful things happen.  When we help an ex-offender succeed and find the resources they need, they won’t re-offend. 
Needs are: teachers, preachers, musicians, mentors, administrative volunteers in our offices, materials, funding, favor with God and mankind, etc…..
Len Hill
New Directions, Inc.
16753 Industrial Parkway
Lansing, MI  48906
Ph. 517-853-1576, ext 12
Fax: 517-853-1972
Email: lenh@newdirectionsministries.org
Dear TNCP,
Tina Houghton violated the city charter and oath of office taken when appointed to the Park Board.  She was in default to the city for property taxes (which had not been turned over to the county) when she was appointed to and served on the Park Board.  Those violations make her ineligible to run for and serve on council.  She has violated the public trust and her actions imply public corruption. 
Tina has exhibited no remorse, no integrity and no awareness of the seriousness of her actions.  She shows no concern for honesty and shows no respect for the people she would represent on council.
The only explanation she has offered is “we’ve got four kids.”  Two of those “kids” are adults.  Tina makes between $47,637 and $59,546 at  MSU.  Her husband works.  Since her property taxes aren’t paid directly to the city by a mortgage company, she may own her house free and clear.  Someone should ask her how many family vacations the Houghtons have taken with the Berneros while the taxes went unpaid.
Susan Rose
Lansing, MI
Editor’s Note:  Tina Houghton ran for a Lansing City Council seat in 2009 and won.  On December 30, 2009, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge William Collette refused to issue an injunction prohibiting Tina Houghton from being seated on Lansing’s City Council.  While he did deny the injunction request, Collette did not rule on whether Houghton was qualified under the city charter to run for elected office.
Houghton was appointed to and served on the Park Board while delinquent to the city on her property taxes.  This is a violation of city charter requirements for appointees and/or officials.  When she filed her application to run for city council, she was again delinquent on her property taxes and opponents contend she did not meet the charter requirements at that time either.