
Do you have an opinion? Your letters 8-8

Dear TNCP,

When Sherrill Pittman passed away on January 10, 2009,  it was difficult for her family and friends.  She was a shining light in many people’s lives and that light continues to resonate in us.

Her birthday on May 23 is quickly coming upon us and we would like to do something special for her.

We would like for those who knew Sherrill to go to Target and buy something on sale.  Sherrill loved to go to Target.  Usually when she received phone calls the person on the other end of the phone would find her searching in the racks and shelves looking for a great sale. 

Her favorite store was Target. 

As she would have done for most of us we would like to celebrate her on her birthday by asking you to go to Target on May 23, 2009 and buy something on sale and donate it to the Boys and Girls Club located at 4315 Pleasant Grove in Lansing, MI.

Creativity was Sherrill’s middle name when it came to finding ways to give to those less fortunate than she.  Her heart was especially with children and their plans for the future.  So we want you to join us and continuing her legacy of giving.


Sherrill’s Family and Friends

Publisher’s Note: 

If you are reading this and you are a Lansing resident and have never been to the Boys and Girls Club, take a trip and see the fabulous things they are doing.

But make sure you bring a gift.  Even if she didn’t know you, Sherrill was sure to let you know what she needed for someone else.

If you are reading this and you are not in Lansing, be moved to buy something and donate it to your local Boys and Girls Club. 

You may want to also do this on someone’s birthday that you have loved and lost.