
Don’t let your family be left out in the cold!

By Skye Conner
The New Citizens Press

    Michigan’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federally funded, low-income residential energy conservation program. The program provides free home energy conservation services to low-income Michigan homeowners and renters. These services reduce energy use and lower utility bills, thus creating more self-sufficient households.

Services include:

    * Wall Insulation
    * Attic Insulation and Ventilation
    * Foundation Insulation
    * Air Leakage Reduction
    * Smoke Detectors
    * Dryer Venting

 A trained inspector will assess eligible dwellings for energy conservation needs. A typical inspection will include Blower Door testing for air leakage, Combustion Appliance testing for safety and efficiency, and a Health and Safety inspection. A computerized audit is the basis for determining which measures are most cost effective for each individual dwelling.

According to national studies, households that receive weatherization services can expect heating costs to be reduced 20 to 25 percent. At today’s fuel cost, that amounts to about a $300 savings. As fuel costs continue to rise, even greater savings will result.

Eligibility is based on household income being at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines. Recipients of the Family Independence Program (FIP) administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) or those who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) automatically qualify for this no-cost program.

Community Action Agencies/non-profit organizations provide weatherization services statewide. Eligibility is based on Federal poverty guidelines.  For more information about the Weatherization Program contact your local Weatherization Operator.  Refer to the State Map of Weatherization Operators.

Only local Weatherization Operators can make eligibility determinations for this program due to many variables.

Most of the Weatherization operators are also community action agencies and administer other low-income programs. The Michigan Community Action Agency Association (MCAAA) Website also displays information relative to other programs available to low-income persons.

Department of Human Services
Weatherization Unit
P.O. Box 30037
235 S. Grand Ave., Ste. 1314, Grand Tower Bldg.
Lansing, MI 48909
phone: (517) 373-8896