By Jeannine N. Williams
When life throws you a curve ball, a challenge, or situation that causes you to lose your focus. Take a step back, examine the situation, from multiple perspectives. And brainstorm solutions and develop a pros and cons list. But more importantly, think logically and not emotionally. This will help you, think clearly and hear that little voice inside of you. That little voice inside of you, tells you exactly, how to resolve the issue(s) at hand.
Don’t ignore that little voice inside of you. If, that little voice, tells you, not do something, don’t- do-it! This is your intuition or what I refer to as the holy spirit, leading and guiding you; from all hurt, harm and danger. When we don’t listen, to that little voice, and act out of our emotions, things usually don’t produce positive results. Take it from me, when I have acted out of my emotions. And ignored that little voice inside of me, telling me exactly, how to resolve the issue(s) at hand. I created additional stress and produced negative consequence, that I could have avoided. If, only, I had listened to that little voice.
It’s okay, to take a moment and vent to a friend, and to help you process the situation. However, make sure you vent to a trusted friend, a mentor or a colleague; that can help support and encourage you through your situation. Don’t vent to a person, you know you cannot trust. If that snake, bit you the first-time and violated your trust. Trust me, that snake will more than likely bite you again.
The point here, is to stay focus on creating your success! So, when you face a situation, a challenge, or a temporary set-back. Re-group by focusing, your time and energy on creating your own success! In other words, break that situation down. By focusing on what you can do to move forward. You can’t change, the past, but how do you move forward?
Right now, I want you to take a moment-free from all distractions (turn off your Cell phone, tv, go to a room or place, where there are no kids, husband, wife, significant other, etc.). Find a quiet place, where you can play soothing music if necessary, to help you relax and experience inner peace and tranquility. In your quiet place, think about how you can focus on creating your own success. Remember, you are listening, for that little voice inside of you; to help guide you, and help you determine the best solution(s) for you.
Ask yourself what’s helping or hindering me in this situation or circumstance? What resources or individual(s) can help me? What are my pros and cons? What are my best options and prioritize them (Options: A, B, or C?). Once you have developed your plan, take the necessary steps, to implement your plan and create your own success! Keeping, in mind, faith without works is dead! “You can-do-It.” You-got this.” The best is yet to come!
Jeannine Williams is the CEO and founder of Jae-9’s Educational Consulting, and Jae-9’s Properties and Rentals. she firmly believes in “helping people to help themselves.” She has been very successful in providing training and development to students, parents, and administrators in K-12 and higher education. Throughout her career she has placed a strong emphasis on adult education, human resource management, administrative operations, supervision and organizational development.
Jeannine is a doctoral student at Walden University, and the proud primary parent of her daughter Brianna Nicole; and firmly believes that charity begins at home. Moreover, Jeannine is the youngest of four children, enjoys writing poetry, spending quality time with her family and close friends, traveling and giving back to her community via her time, talent and resources.