
First of Three “POETRY IN THE CITY” Series on the Capitol Steps

Written by Ralph Kowalski

When Rina Risper was told that the program was no longer going to be under city funding she sprang into action and began a journey that even she is happy to have taken.

“We don’t need city funding to survive. Last year, I donated time and funding. Poets and artists support one another. Those who did not usually go to poetry events were supportive financially through sponsorships.”

Our second poetry reading will be at the Women’s Historical Museum and Hall of Fame located at 213 West Main Street, Lansing, MI 48933 on July 27, 2006.

Over 225 people had visited the poetry reading and 15 poets read by the middle of the program. It was more successful than last year’s first poetry reading at Frances Park that just topped over 200 attendees.

Lois Demps said, ”The capital poetry event was wonderful. I’m glad you are reaching out to the community with this very powerful art form. Including the children is so important.”

Deborah Riddick, Chief of Staff for Representative Micheal Murphy agreed with her sentiment.

Ms Demps said, “We will spread the "word" about the event.”

The third located is to be announced.

July 9, 2006 – July 29, 2006 – tncp 5-12