
HoneyChild: Product Review: JBOC


By Shamecka Freeman

What is moisture and what produces moisture in hair? Many curlies believe that the more oil the more moisture!  And this my curlies couldn’t be further from the truth.  

Black hair loves water and products that assist in retention of the water.  

Many conditioners provide the benefit of moisturizing the hair, however oil is what seals the deal! Adding oil to a pre moisturized hair locks the moisture in and ensures that the hair gets the benefits of the moisturizing products.

 An amazing oil is Jamaican Black Castor Oil or its popular abbreviation JBOC.  JBOC is made of a pressed castor seed. The seed is roasted and the ash that is left stays in the product and that provides the dark color and the somewhat smoky scent.  

JBOC has a very thick honey like consistency and is best used with a light carrier oil such as grapeseed or coconut oil. The oil should be mixed 1 part JBOC to 3 parts carrier oil.  JBOC provides an amazing seal for moisture as well as repair thinning and damaged hair.  

My personal experience with JBOC is wonderful, I experienced major growth and increased thickness of my hair. The drawback is the smell, however using it at night as a night sealant is a remedy for overcoming the scent.  I would suggest using the JBOC mix 2 times per week to achieve great results.  

Remember oil is not moisture it is what comes after the moisturizing products to seal the deal.  Curls love water so stay hydrated this summer and find a good oil to seal it in!

Shamecka “HoneyChild” Freeman is a Natural Hair Consultant.

This column was printed in the the July 26, 2015 – August 8, 2015 edition.