
Most Interesting and Influencial 2005: Michael K. Fleming


Michael K. Fleming
Civil Rights Chairperson
U.A.W. Local 602

     The Civil Rights Committee guards the Local Union’s interest to assure members full rights under the law. The Committee informs members of steps & procedures, including filing of complaints & hearings, whenever members’ rights are violated by management or other union members. The Civil Rights Committee works toward elimination of discrimination in the workplace, community and nation. The UAW Local 602 Civil Rights Committee also presents two outstanding annual programs, “A Taste of Black History” and the Hispanic/Latino program.
     Fleming began working for Fisher Body in March of 1995, and hired in the body shop on the weld line running 475 to 500 cars a night. As a production worker, his job description was replacement operator, which allowed him to move around the entire plant. Fleming was able to represent his area as a facilitator, Team Build Coordinator, and Safety Representative.  In 1997, he transferred to Material Handling, continuing to facilitate meetings for his group. At the same time, he was active in his local union, volunteering on various committees and attending union meetings on a regular basis.  He was elected to serve on the Election Committee, and soon appointed to serve on the Recreation Committee.
      Fleming  attributes his success to those who came before him and allowed him to  be part of an outstanding family known as U.A.W. Local 602.
      He said that he will always remember those who enabled him to become the person he is today, for he would not be successful without their encouragement.
     Fleming is currently the Chairperson of the U.A.W. Local 602 Civil Rights Committee, member of RACOR, Regional Advisory Council On Civil Rights, UAW Community Action Program, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, State and Local chapter, NAACP, MDP, Precinct Delegate, LAAN, Lansing Area Aids Network, Church Community Labor Alliance, and the Mayor’s Task Force on Race and Diversity.
     Fleming is married and a father of two wonderful girls, Michaela 21 and Shana 13 years old.  He stated that his wife Carmen  allowed him to participate in all his activities, and encouraged him to be the best that he can be.  Fleming stated that he is truly blessed to have a family that supports him in everything he does.  He is a member of Community A.M.E. Church, of Jackson, MI, where he has been a member since he was a child. Carmen, Michaela, and Shana are members of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Lansing, MI.