
Mrs. Pizzo’s Workshop: How can education communities stay connected during the summer?

photo of Mrs Pizzo

A: Education communities can stay connected by preparing postcards in advance.

Young learners are resilient, optimistic, and caring. Each day, I witness the power of their strength and tenacity to stay connected to friends, family, and caregivers. Their ability to assert their need for community even while developing into independent beings is a lesson for us all. Community is vital to them and the adults in their lives can foster that need by preparing postcards for mailing in advance.

Writing a thoughtful note or attaching a fun sticker message to a set of postcards now, in preparation to send in July and August, is a sure way to maintain community. Having students do the same each day for a week, before school is out, for a different friend in class is a terrific way to demonstrate care. When it comes to minimizing postage cost, asking for a donation of stamps from family members and community organizations can help.

Finally, to eliminate the extra trips to the post office, place the postcards in your home mailbox. A connected community can change the world.

Happy Learning,
Mrs. Pizzo



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