
News Briefs 6-20

State Offers Trick-or-Treat Food Safety Tips 

    The Michigan Department of Agriculture is reminding parents to trick-or-treat with food safety in mind this Halloween. 
Parents should follow these quick trick-or-treat tips:

*    Tell children not to accept, and especially not eat, anything that isn’t commercially wrapped.

*    When children bring their treats home, discard any home-made candy or baked goods. Parents of young children should also 
          remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies or small toys.

*    Inspect commercially wrapped treats for signs of tampering, such as an unusual appearance or discoloration, tiny pinholes, or
         tears in wrappers. Throw away anything that looks suspicious.

*    Parents should wash all fresh fruit thoroughly and inspect it for holes, including small punctures.  Fruit should be cut open before
          allowing kids to eat it.

*    Some Halloween treats may trigger allergic reactions. Read the complete label and ingredient list of products before interpreting it
          is safe for all to eat.

*    To help prevent children from snacking while they’re out trick-or-treating, and before parents have inspected the treats, give them
          a snack or light meal before they go.

*    If juice or cider is served to children at Halloween parties, make sure it is pasteurized or otherwise treated to destroy harmful
          bacteria. Juice or cider that has not been treated will say so on the label.

*    As always, proper hand washing is essential to food safety.  Remind kids to wash their hands before eating.

*    Remember, when in doubt, throw it out!

For more information on food safety, visit one of the following Web sites: www.michigan.gov/foodsafety, www.foodsafety.gov, or www.fightbac.org.

Don’t let your license lapse ‘Snowbirds’ should renew licenses, plates before heading south for the winter
Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land today reminded residents heading south for the winter to renew their driver’s licenses and plates before they leave Michigan.
“As you prepare for your trip to a warmer climate, remember to renew your licenses and plates so they don’t expire while you’re out of state," Land said. "It’s one less thing you’ll need to worry about during the winter, and it could save you from having to pay late fees."
People can renew plates for individually owned or leased cars, pickup trucks, vans and motorcycles up to six months before they expire. They must renew at a Secretary of State branch office. Company-owned passenger plates cannot be renewed early.
To renew a driver’s license early, residents need to bring the following items to a branch office:
·        Driver’s license
·        Glasses or contact lenses if they are needed to drive
Residents must also pass a vision screening before the renewal can be processed.
Residents can also renew license plates online, by touch-tone telephone, mail or at a Self-Service Station up to 45 days before the plates expire. Online, touch-tone telephone and Self-Service Station renewals require the use of a Personal Identification Number (PIN), which is printed on the renewal notice.
For more information on renewal options and other services, visit the Secretary of State Web site at www.Michigan.gov/sos.FREE Home Maintenance Classes Offered for Lansing Residents!!

The Greater Lansing Housing Coalition announce FREE Home Classes

The Greater Lansing Housing Coalition is excited to announce the launch of FREE Home Repair and Maintenance Classes for Lansing residents! These weekly classes will be held on Tuesday’s, Thursdays and Saturdays (beginning Nov 8th) at Lett’s Community Center on Kalamazoo St and also at Faith United Methodist Church on Waverly Rd (please see attached class schedule flyer for times and specific information).  The classes are absolutely free and class attendees will earn free home repair products and coupons for attending!
The four week Home Repair series will feature classes such as ‘Annual Home Maintenance’, ‘Energy Efficiency’, ‘Basic Plumbing and Electrical’, ‘Drywall Repair’ and ‘Budgeting’. The four week Landscape Series will feature classes such as ‘Late Fall Planting and Lawn Care’, ‘Planning a Veggie Garden for Spring/ Creating a Compost Bin’ and ‘Indoor Plant Care for Winter’.
These classes are part of the Homeowner Education Resource Organization (HERO) Program. The HERO program also features a referral service for FREE Foreclosure Prevention Counseling, a FREE mobile tool lending library (launching in Spring of 2008) and Senior-to-Senior maintenance referral service.
The Greater Lansing Housing Coalition is a Lansing-based 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation that has been providing affordable housing and helping to revitalize neighborhoods since 1989.
Special thanks to: Paint -A- Place, Urban Options, QX2, Inc.,  Allen Neighborhood Center, Lansing Affordable Homes, Franklin Street Community Housing Corporation, The Garden Project, North West Initiative, The City of Lansing, Ellen Smith, Cooley Gardens, Habitat for Humanity, SLCDA, Letts Community Center, Faith United Methodist Church and the Lansing Neighborhood Council.
To register for classes or for more information, call GLHC at (517) 372-5980 x13.

Lansing Community College Offers Free Business Seminars

 November 20, 2007                Legal Issues in Starting a Small Business                              6:00PM to 8:00PM

An introduction to several legal issues you may face when starting a new small business.
What should you consider as you decide between buying an existing business, starting your own       business, or buying a franchise?
What sort of business organization is best for you?
Should you incorporate, or form a limited liability company?
What protection from liability do you get from the business structure you choose?
How can you save money on your taxes?
How can you protect your business using patents, trademarks, and copyrights?

Presenter: Jim Duby, Attorney at Law
Cost: FREE
To register call (517) 483-1921

November 27, 2007              


Creating an Effective Business Plan                                  12:30PM to 4:00PM

Whether you are starting up a new business or taking steps to expand an existing enterprise, a business plan will enable you to visualize the means by which you will experience business success.
“Creating an Effective Business Plan” will provide you with the tools you need to build or expand your     business.  Components reviewed will consist of but are not limited to; Statement of Purpose, Description of Business, Personnel, Market Analysis, Reference and Resource Material Overview, Legal Structures of     Business Review, Financial Plan Overview, and a Skill and Commitment Assessment.

Presenter: Kellie Hanford, Certified Business Consultant
Cost: FREE
Business Plan & Financial templates are included in this class.
To register call (517) 483-1921