
News Briefs 7-3

LANSING, MI — Announcing the upcoming 27th Annual Lansing Dietetic Association Food & Fitness 5K RUN/WALK – one of the longest existing races in mid-Michigan. This community event is a great way to celebrate food, fun, and fitness with your family. The Lansing Dietetic Association (LDA) is a non-profit organization of nutrition professionals working to promote good nutrition and healthy lifestyles.  This annual, family focused event helps raise money for the Greater Lansing Food Bank and the Michigan State University Student Food Bank.  Race participants have helped donate over $70,000 to the Greater Lansing and MSU Student Food Banks.  These donations help the food banks assist the more than 1,500 families per month, or over 4,000 individuals (50% of whom are children) in need of emergency food assistance.  The LDA 5K Run/Walk is made possible by hundreds of volunteers all with a similar goal of improving the health and well being of our Community.

This year’s race will be held on Saturday, March 29th at Hawk Island County Park in Lansing.  The kid’s 1/2-mile run/walk and the kid’s 100-yard dash begin at 10:00 am with the 5K Run/Walk following at 10:15 am. 

Online registration will be available through March 26th at www.active.com for an additional $3.00.  You may also register the day before the race at Playmakers in Okemos, Michigan or on race day at the event. Registration is limited to the first 700 registrants. More information and the race flyer can be found at www.eatrightlansing.org.  Come join us March 29, 2008 for this fun, family event and support your area Lansing food banks and community.        
A. Philip Randolph Institute
8th Annual Role Model Celebration
    A. Philip Randolph Institute (A.P.R.I.) Lansing, MI Chapter announced today that we will be hosting our 8th Annual Role Model Celebration.  Our attendance is expected to be over 300 people.  This event is being held as a fund raiser in conjunction with the nationwide awareness “WE ARE ABOUT VOTING, EVERY VOTE COUNTS.”

   A P R I (A. Philip Randolph Institute) was founded in 1964 as an organization of Black Trade Unionist to fight for all Americans.  Our organization along with many others across America will begin the dialogue with those who .are disenfranchised and those who can bring about changes in our Community.  We want to fire up the imagination of young people, enlighten the old, and nudge those who are standing in the middle.

  A P R I (A. Philip Randolph Institute) Lansing Chapter is a non-profit “Get-Out-The Vote: organization designed to help the community by giving youths and adults training to obtain higher levels of voters education,  and our society to  become more productive and better equipped with hands-on training, and leave with a higher level of motivation and voting core skills.

  A P R I (A. Philip Randolph Institute) Lansing Chapter goals are to help in preparing youth and adults to be more knowledgeable in their right to vote, with training, and development.  We create activities yearly for our community.

   This event is designed to recognize our “UNSUNG HEROES” with outstanding leadership, giving of their time with know expatiations in return.  They show integrity, wisdom, and help local citizens understand the basic concepts of kindness, friendship with someone(s) needs.

  We have selected two adults, one men’s organization, and one youth for this year awards.  We would like to extend an invitation to our community.   This festivity event will take place at the Kellogg & Conference Center, South Harrison Rd., East Lansing, MI 48824 on Friday, April 11, 2008.  Social hour starts at 6:00pm, dinner will be served at 7:00 pm, and program will start at 8:00 pm.  Donations will be $25.00 per ticket or a table of (8) people for $200.00, sponsorship, and ad forms are available.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Robert Cannon (517) 337-9358 or Jean Moon (517) 321-1535.
What Foreclosure Means for Pets
LANSING, MI –Every day we hear about more home foreclosures in Michigan.  The sad truth is that many families who lose their home often have no new home for their pets.  People facing foreclosure are often forced to move in with relatives or to rent, but what will happen if these new homes don’t allow pets?  Don’t leave your pets behind; bring them to the Capital Area Humane Society (CAHS).   We can help; we find new homes for pets every day.  Every animal surrendered to us will be provided with food, water, and a soft bed to sleep on.  Don’t leave these animals behind to fend for themselves, in freezing temperatures and without food or water they may not last long.  If you have questions about surrendering your pet to the CAHS please call us at 517-626-6060. 
For more information please log on to www.cahs-lansing.org or stop by to visit Monday Friday, 12pm-7pm, and Saturday, 12pm-5pm.
The Capital Area Humane Society is located at 7095 W. Grand River Avenue, Lansing, MI 48906.  The CAHS is dedicated to promoting the humane treatment of companion animals through protection, placement, education and example.