
Nu Poetry 7-8


We must sing out my sisters
And let our voices rise.
We must join hands in union
And so to harmonize.
We must sing out our praises
And let our voices soar.
So that all the world can know, can hear
That we were always there.
So from the genesis of time
And down through memory
We formed and molded silently
Man’s path to destiny.
We stood behind our greatest men
And urged them to be strong.
Now slowly we must move in step
 to our own triumphant song.
Then we’ll plant our footprints firmly
As we forge our way ahead,
Gladly marching on to glory
Singing our own praise instead.

Ruby Richardson


Have you ever had
Someone that was
very close to you
get hurt, or, get sick
and you just want
them to know that
you’re here for them.
And that everything will
be alright.

And you don’t know
how to control your
emotions and you feel
like you’re about to burst.
Just take it nice and slow
and make a call to them
and tell them that everything
will be ok.

I don’t even think that
they know that this many
people care for them.  We all
know there is a very strong
person, and will be back to their old
self but stronger.

By Kathiana Frank
8 th Grade at Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy

Roses Are Sweet
Mother’s Day Poem
Rose Like You

Like a rose and its beauty, that’s what you are to me.
I will always love you.

Even when the sun has failed to shine on us, we have always pulled through and created our own light. 
We are strong.

Ever since I became your flower, you’ve taught me to drink from the earth, and grow towards the sun.

And if I do what you ask, and learn as you teach, then one day I’ll be just as sweet.

By  Asiya Freeman and Shelem Texido,
7th Grade students at Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy