
Nu Poetry 8-2

Hoy  es un dia especial, a la ves un gran honor, te vengo a felicitar con bendicion del senor.  Escucha amada querida no me quite esta alegria.  Te he visto en mis suenos, eres tu la vida mia.  amor idonatria junto palabras hermosas.  Yo te quiero regalar este osito con su  rosa.  Dios te bendiga.

“El Poeta”

Today is a special day, at the same time a great honor.  I come to congratulate you with the Lord’s blessing.  Listen closely my love, and please don’t take this joy away from me.  I’ve seen you in my dreams, you are the love of my life.  I’ve gathered these beautiful words for you with all my will. To you I want to give you this bear with this rose. God bless you.

“El Poeta”
Philipe Bello
Copyright 2008