
Plain Talk 4-22

              Well it is that time of year again when we start to think about and focus on the holidays.

     Thanksgiving  and the holiday season will begin before you know it.  I must say that makes me very happy.   I just love  Thanksgiving, it is my favorite holiday.  
   It is something special for me to spend time with friends and family.  Everyone is in good spirits and enjoying one another.  Celebrating holidays is what families are all about.  Good food is definitely important too.
      For those of you who know me, you know that family is very important to me.
      If you are in a position to give thanks, then you are blessed.  I give thanks to God for all of my blessings.
   I certainly give thanks for my wife, Rina, who is very good to me.  I give thanks for the good health of my wife, children and myself.
     I give thanks to God for blessing me with the ability to have children in the first place.  I thank God for putting me in a position to take care of my wife and children.
     As I write this column, I know there are people who are in surgery or preparing themselves for surgery.
     I know that there are people who have sick children.  One day you are struggling to just get by paycheck to paycheck and you find out that your child is sick.
     Or you can be the happiest family in the universe and then you a struck by a tragedy.  The range of tragedies are limitless.  Are you getting my point?
     Please be thankful for everything that you have regardless of how small you may think it is, it may be the one thing that you have to hold on to.
     There are people who are homeless due to loss of their job that they thought was going to be secure.  Nothing is so secure that it cannot be taken from you.
   We need to learn to be thankful and not take God’s goodness and mercy for granted.
     I was recently watching televion and the news came on.  An eleven year old girl was raped and killed.  Her killer was caught on tape abducting her and he pleaded not guilty.  The next day an 18 year old ran away with a 14 year old but not before he killed her parents.
     What is the world coming to?
      Again, are you thanking  God every single day for the blessings that you have.
     I am certainly thankful that my daughteer is home and safe.  What about you?  Are you saying thank you as often as you should?
     Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.