
Power of the Word 4-16

    Reverend Angelo Williams is returning to Lansing to minister a Crusade for Christ with a different twist.  Come witness or take part in a Crusade where real life situations come to life on stage demonstrating the trials and tribulations of young and old individuals who are just trying to make the right decisions and some who have no hope at all.  “The Storms of Life are Raging,” written by the reverend’s wife Lisa, centers around a teenage boy who is torn between living a Christian life or that of a “Baller” selling drugs in the hood to make big bucks. 
     Raised on Lansing’s east side, Reverend Angelo has a spiritual vision to return to his old stomping grounds, Lansing, MI, to Minister a Crusade to the community with the purpose of providing a venue for saving the souls of those who are living a life in a situation where he once was:  lost, confused, and doing
whatever, whenever, to whomever.
     Reverend Angelo led a thuggish life somewhat like the character in his wife’s stage play, until a calling from God turned his life around.  Not long after turning his life over to Jesus, he became an ordained minister and moved to Jackson, Michigan where he and his wife Lisa continue to raise a family and Minister God’s word.
     Reverend Angelo does not wish to represent any particular church in this Crusade.  His vision is for everyone to come out on their own accord.  He’s especially trying to reach those who don’t know the Lord to come out and witness the life changing scenes of the live stage play and be moved by the Holy Spirit to come forward during the invitation and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. 
     This dramatic event unfolds in Lansing’s downtown Lansing Center on Friday, September 23, at 6:00 pm.  For more information or to volunteer in the stage play, sing in the mass choir, or to serve as ushers, prayer warriors, and witnesses for Christ in distributing printed materials about the Crusade, please call the toll free number, 1-888-787-0366.