
The New Citizens Press writes letter to City Council Candidates requesting answers to pressing questions

Dear Candidate:

I’m the owner of The New Citizens Press newspaper, it’s a multicultural bi-weekly newspaper with a readership of 40,000 and subscriptions in 9 states.  We deliver in E. Lansing, Lansing, Holt and Okemos.  We also deliver to all Michigan Civil Rights buildings in the state and the City of Jackson.  Some of you I know and most of you I don’t.

In the past week, I ‘ve received a lot of inquiries regarding who I’m voting for and also if we have a review board for candidates.    I ‘ve also been inundated with questions from the community regarding what your positions are on certain issues.  I’ve taken some questions that deal with economics, entertainment and housing.

Are you involved in your local neighborhood association?  How long?  If not what other local volunteer/civic organizations have you been involved with.  If you have, name one accomplishment.

In what capacity have you ever worked with those who are economically distressed?  or people of color?

How will you encourage voters that don’t typically vote?

Do or did your children attend school in Lansing?  If they don’t why.

How do you plan to build relationships with churches, businesses and residents?

What are your plans for the Southside, especially the Pleasant Grove and Holmes  intersection?

What is your  opinion regarding the Southside Community Center? combining the Capital Area District Library with the Impression Five museum?  plans for Oliver Towers?

Where did you attend K-12?

What is your educational background?  What is your professional back ground?

What is your favorite recreational spot?

Do you feel that Lansing is on the move and why? 

Any questions that are not answered will state "declined to answer".  Please do not answer out of order.  Anyone who does not reply it will state, "We requested information from__________ however, there has been no response (or if you decline we will print that as well).  If you don’t have an opinion state you don’t.  As a city council person the above issues may be asked at the podium or at a community gathering. 

This article will be published in the July 22, 2007  – August 4, 2007 edition. Order will go by when we receive the answers from you (so e-mail is faster).  Also you may change your answers and maintain the order. Please send your responses by e-mail.  Please also forward a picture.  If you send your information by snail mail it needs to be received at our PO Box by Thursday, July 12, 2007.  We will not accept any e-mails or mail after 5:00 pm on the 12th.

Looking forward to hearing from you.  Some have inquired about advertising rates.  They are located on our website which is listed above.  To the right there is an advertise button, which you may use at your discretion.

Rina N. Risper
President and Publisher, The New Citizens Press

This letter was sent to:

At-Large (the entire city)

Carol Wood (I) – City Council At Large
Derrick Quinney (I) – City Council At Large
Jonathan Solis – City Council At Large
Gina Nelson –  City Council At Large
Robert Clark – City Council At Large
Willie Fuller –  City Council At Large

2 people can be voted for above

1st Ward

Harold J. Leeman, Jr. (I)  – 1st Ward
Eric Hewitt  – 1st Ward
Harold J. Leeman Jr.  – 1st Ward
Dru Vinson  – 1st Ward

1 person can be voted for above

3rd Ward

William P. Matt (I) – 3rd Ward
William Hubbell – 3rd Ward
Robin M. Smith – 3rd Ward
A’Lynne Robinson – 3rd Ward
Timothy R. Murchison – 3rd Ward

1 person can be voted for above

(I) means incumbent, which means that person is already seated and is up for re-election.

Note to the readers:  Encourage your family and friends to vote!!!  If you don’t you will not have a say.  If current City Councilpersons don’t answer your concerns in a timely manner, please let us know.  They’re here to serve what the people want not their own personal interests.They’re supposed to be accessible to all of their constituents regardless of race, color, creed, economic and/or social background.

Lansing has some serious issues and we need to put people in office who are able to deal with them.

As of presstime we received a responses from William Hubbell and Willie Fuller.