
William Hubbell

Are you involved in your local neighborhood association? Yes, The Churchill Downs Neighborhood Association  How long? 2 years

In what capacity have you ever worked with those who are economically distressed?or people of color?

As a crew member at Burger King also as head of the Memorial Review Board.
How will you encourage voters that don’t typically vote? By speaking out at the podium on Monday evening Council sessions and reminding them that Election Day is the one day when they hold ultimate power. Do or did your children attend school in Lansing?  If they don’t why. I have no children. My wife’s daughter by a previous marriage attended Averill school.
How do you plan to build relationships with churches, businesses and residents? By stressing our commonality.  I have ridden CATA to work when I couldn’t afford to fix my car. I have worked shoulder to shoulder with young people of all colors showing them the best way to do things. I have attended worship and actively participated.
What are your plans for the Southside, especially the Pleasant Grove and Holmes  intersection? I would vote no on any plans to change the intersection there. I believe we need to find ways to get more business into Logan Square.
What is your  opinion regarding the Southside Community Center? combining the Capital Area District Library with the Impression Five museum?  The City plan plans for Oliver Towers? I oppose plans for consolidation. I oppose using the Boys and Girls Club or Hill vocational center for a SSC.  I feel Oliver Tower should be used to house homeless not refitted to non residential use.
Where did you candidates attend K-12? Portland  and Howell public high schools; both cities are in Michigan.

What is your educational background?  What is your professional back ground? Drafting training at WCC, Computer Training at CTI, Associate Degree LCC Former Board Drafter, Former Enumerator for City Directories.
What is your favorite recreational spot? Celebration Cinema
Do you feel that Lansing is on the move and why? Yes, it is slowly changing its character, because GM no longer accepts unskilled labor and Information Tech. jobs require specialized degrees.