Surprise Back to School Shopping Spree
For some of the students it was a welcome surprise especially since a tornado that ripped through the Southside of Lansing community where some of the students lived did a lot of damage.
News For, By and About People
For some of the students it was a welcome surprise especially since a tornado that ripped through the Southside of Lansing community where some of the students lived did a lot of damage.
State Urges Parents To Remember Food Safety When Packing School Lunches
The website for The War: Michigan Voices includes repeat times, an honor roll listing service details for all those interviewed, transcripts for the veterans’ complete interviews, selected articles about some of the veterans, and a “Share Your Story” section that allows visitors to share their stories or memories of their family members’ experiences in World War II.
LANSING, MI — Early Saturday morning 24 students from the Lansing School District had the opportunity to go on a big back to school shopping spree compliments of the Lansing Jaycees.
The death of Chauncey Bailey highlights how deadly the news business can be. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) monitors the killings of journalists all over the world. Since they began tracking these deaths in 1992, CPJ found that on average more than three journalists are killed every month in the line of duty.
Black on black murder rates are off the charts, capped by the recent killing of three students in New Jersey, but there are few witnesses willing to testify. The lack of witnesses helps increase the spiral of violence in poor black neighborhoods, notes NAM editor Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Hutchinson is an author and political analyst.
A Web site offering a doggie chew toy named after NFL quarterback Michael Vick is the target of several copyright lawsuits – from the NFL, the Atlanta Falcons and Vick himself.
As a graphic artist with the Michigan Department of Transportation Brian has won many national awards for his work on projects such as the 2001 design of Michigan’s official State map, graphics for “The Line Drive Home”: How to get to and from the 2005 MLB All-Star Game, and for the illustration’s in the children’s book “Bridget & Little Mac’s Birthday Trip.”
Brain Whitfeild
Local Teams to Run Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day, Enjoy an Irish Festival “Great Lakes Feis” at the Lansing Center, Lansing Bless Fest, Reo Town Music Festival bring WAR during their “A Salute to Labor… A Salute to You” event, The 6th Annual Angel House Bachelor Auction!,
“Families and children can volunteer together for some jobs – helping clean up a playground or a beach, simple repairs in low-income housing, working at a
community food bank or facility for elderly people…”
Dr. Anita Guerin, NYU Child Study Center