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Most Interesting and Influential 2007
LANSING, MI — A year has passed by so quickly, this is our third Most Interesting and Influential edition. This is one of my favorites along with The Best Brightest and the Most Beautiful, which will be coming up in our June 10, 2007 – June 23, 2007 edition. Watch out!!!
Potter Park Zoo
Kindergarten students, from Ms. Judy Hersey- Phillips’ class at Shabazz Academy, hang out with a bronze statue of a baby giraffe at Potter Park Zoo.
Capital Area Community Action Network’s Prayer Day Book Project
Books Open Minds and Doors: Education is a tool that has proved useful in preventing people from returning to the prison system after their release. However, prison libraries are meager and education programs have been cut. When Mount Hope Ministries approached CCCAN with a request we were able to begin delivering. In two weeks we have collected over 250 books. We will present them with the books on Prayer Day, August 1, 2007.
TNCP Photo.
News Briefs 6-9
Avoid bumps in the road when buying, selling cars, Cruise Secretary of State Web site for info, HEALTHIEST STUDENT BODIES, TRINITY AME CHURCH’S MEN’S DAY ACTIVITIES PLANNED, Civil Rights Department Affirms Right To File Complaints Without Retaliation,
The Darfur Crisis Takes A Toll On The Most Vunerable
“I kept seeing reports about the humanitarian crisis in Darfur that were so cruel it made my body cringe. ”
– Tashmica Torok, Founder of The Whisper Campaign-
Blood & Sweat, but no Tears
Fight Night, May 12, was an intense and eventful evening. This was a 7 bout professional fight with the main event featuring Dan “Pokey the Hurricane” Hicks. A talented DJ made up for the event starting about an hour behind schedule, but once the fights got started, they kept the audiences full attention. I have much respect for all the fighters who enter into the ring. Here are highlights on some of the fights:
Vietnam War (1959 -1975)
The Vietnam War (known in Vietnam itself as "The America War") was a military conflict in present day Vietnam occurring from 1959 to April 30, 1975.
Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church honors its Charter Members
Giving honor to the seniors: Charter members, Catherine Chandler, Dorothy Nelson, Earl L. Nicholson and Ellis Watson proudly give words of wisdom during a celebration for the most senior members of church and their families.
What do you think? Lansing Branch President James Gill angrily responds to our request for information.