MI State Trooper Accused of Murdering His Wife Shoots Film
Artis White, accused of murdering his wife, is still on the short list of suspects. He spends his free time filming a documentary about those who have been falsely accused of crimes.
News For, By and About People
Artis White, accused of murdering his wife, is still on the short list of suspects. He spends his free time filming a documentary about those who have been falsely accused of crimes.
One of the seven-point agreements that they made was to make absentee voting ballots more accessible to senior citizens and faith-based citizens.
Two sister-in-laws return home to Lansing to visit their friends and family. They are home for good in October.
When the door of the Book Burrow opens, its manager greets those waiting with a big smile. Inside the bookstore, the manager and volunteers are busy carrying book carts, sorting out and shelving books. All of them look excited and happy, thinking of all the good these books will do in the community. Located in the basement of the Lansing’s Main Library, the Book Burrow is the hidden treasure of the library where people can fully enjoy browsing through thousands of neatly shelved books and get many different books at great prices.
Davyn Cuffie appears in the Transformers movie that opened on July 4.
As summertime couples prepare for their weddings, we wanted to give you a glimpse into the life of a couple who are getting married in August. Maybe the article will rekindle your relationship or just to let you know that you’re not the only couple going through planning for many months for the one perfect day – your wedding.
MCB Business Enterprise Program Summer Employment, June 18 through August 10, is an eight-week food service and vending internship in MCB’s Business Enterprise Program for blind and visually impaired youth ages 15-22. Participants work 20-30 hours per week, at $6.95 per hour. The June 18 through August 10 timeline is flexible. For more information, contact Lucy Edmonds at 517-373-3459.
CCCAN collected over 1, 500 books in 7 weeks!!!
Definitely Michigan’s Idol – LaKisha Jones came in first place in the eyes of the hundreds of fans who relaxed in front of the Capitol steps while cheering her on. Photo by Michael Jennings
As summertime couples prepare for their weddings, we wanted to give you a glimpse into the life of a couple who are getting married in August. Maybe the article will rekindle your relationship or just to let you know that you’re not the only couple going through planning for many months for the one perfect day – your wedding.