
New TNCP Column: “MoJo’s Table-for-Two Reviews” -9-4

 Michelle and John Oliver are two graduate students who love food.  Welcome them by emailing your favorite restaurants to TNCP.

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Freedom of Information Act – Your Right to Know

Journalists and citizens who file Freedom of Information Act requests often expect delay or denial, unfortunately, that can impact  your daily life. Oftentimes, the lack of information provided by governmental agencies limit the ability to investigate issues, protect individuals or open the doors of justice. istockphoto

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Sunshine Week: Your Right to Know

Did you know that you can ask for the documents below under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)?

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Teen Talk: Nu Poet Collective “Changes”

 ”Changes” by Aseel Machi.  Her honest poem about change in Lansing primarily due to losses in the auto industry. Pictured is the depressing sight, where mighty factories once stood, while riding down Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.  Photo by Aseel Machi

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Excuse me? Are you Listening? 9-3

Dear Readers,

It was a snow day and a day off for the Risper children, Anissa, 8 and Amir, 7.  Usually on snow days, along with old fashioned shoveling, I get this feeling that I just want to dig through my cabinets and find some thing to whip up in the kitchen from scratch.  I just want to go back to a time when things were simple when it is snowing.

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As I See It – A Sign of the Times – 9-3

By David R. Breuhan 

Michigan boasts the longest coastline in the United States, has more than 12,000 inland lakes, hundreds of golf courses, state parks, camping facilities, snowmobile and hiking trails, wonderful towns and cities and a great human capital base. We enjoy four seasons and a temperate climate, and have very few natural disasters: no hurricanes, mudslides, earthquakes, wildfires. Our road system, power grid and access to unlimited supplies of fresh water are superb — all critical elements for business expansion. Our universities compete head to head with other institutions in the United States and attract students from all over the world.

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Is Our Poor Mother Earth Finally Fighting Back?

By Wells Mahkee
Navajo Hopi Observer 
With all the recent tragedies the world has encountered in recent years, it’s been quite surprising to me that not one person – not even in Indian Country – has mentioned what I happen to believe is happening on our poor planet Earth; our poor, neglected, abused shell of a “mother” who apparently has had quite enough of what her “children” have been doing to her and is now striking back with force. How else would you explain the recent surge in natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and the like?

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Excuse me, Are you listening? 9-1

 Dear Readers, 

February of 2010 marks the 9th anniversary of The New Citizens Press.  We have been striving to provide the community with news and information that is local and beyond.  We have attempted to weave the stories that are not being told into the fabric of our readers lives. 

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Do you have an opinion? Your letters 8-26

 Readers comment on the controversial seating of Lansing City Councilmember Tina Houghton and also on the needs of a local prison ministry.

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