Did you know that you can ask for the documents below under FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act)?
Athletic director’s salary
Building permits
Campus crime log
Amount spent on lawyers
City agenda
City budget
City council minutes
City expenses
City finance officer’s salary
Coach’s contract
Travel vouchers
County commission minutes
City property tax assessment
County expenses
Judge’s campaign contribution report
Gun records
Jail log
911 emergency system records
Nursing home reports
Police brutality reports
Police incident and offense reports
Police radio logs
Principal’s salary
Property tax records
Pupil expulsion records
Race and gender breakdown of university faculty
Restaurant inspections
School district budget
Sheriff expense reports
Sheriff incident and offense reports
Sheriff reports of deaths in custody
School superintendent’s contract
School superintendent’s latest evaluation
School test scores
State senators’ driving records
Note this information is a sidebar to “Freedom of Information Act – Your Right to Know” uploaded on February 26, 2010.