
Teen Talk: Becoming a Teenager

  By Alana Brunson

I recently turned 13!  Becoming a teenager is a big change. Feelings and emotions start to change which lead to a change in actions good and bad. 

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Teen Talk: The Serenity Prayer


By Claudia Kelley
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the 

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Teen Talk: Why Public Education Is Worth Funding


By Claudia Kelley
Throughout the course of my academic career, my educational path has been tremendously nontraditional. From homeschooling to independent learning in a Montessori school, and from parochial school to public education, my unconventional educational transitions are the foundation for who I am as a human, a woman, and a member of society.

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Teen Talk: Eating Disorders and the Media


By Claudia Kelley

The holiday season is upon us once again- the time of year when we can listen to Frank Sinatra classics while shopping for gifts at the mall and spend much needed time with family members. The part of this season that we can easily ignore, however, is the elevated amount of corporate advertising- the majority of which is targeted toward young men and women. This advertising pushes and reaffirms the idea of unattainable perfection and the need to be pretty: a standard of worth that is absolutely inaccurate and unimportant.

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Teen Talk: Teen Pregnancy

 By Kasserine Tyler-Hicks

The other night I was watching a movie on Lifetime called The Pregnancy Pact. This movie was about a group of girls at a high school who made a pact to get pregnant. In one school, there were eighteen girls pregnant at the same time, all under the age of 18.

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Teen Talk – Non-politician, Bob Robinson, Would Serve the State Best

Bob Robinson, one person who doesn’t like the look of our State. Just like numerous people that live here right? Wrong. When my dad was sick and tired of seeing the state our State was in, he stepped forward to do something. He is working hard to become a State Representative to help get this state out of the hole it’s in.

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Teen Talk : Violence

By Lynda Nguyen
All over the world teens are choosing to act irresponsibly.  They tend to abuse and put others down.  Why is that?  Some do it for their own personal enjoyment.  Others do it so they would fit in and because that’s what all their friends are doing.  Peer pressure can be hard to ignore, but is this what it has really come down to?

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Freedom of Information Act – Your Right to Know

Journalists and citizens who file Freedom of Information Act requests often expect delay or denial, unfortunately, that can impact  your daily life. Oftentimes, the lack of information provided by governmental agencies limit the ability to investigate issues, protect individuals or open the doors of justice. istockphoto

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Sunshine Week: Your Right to Know

Did you know that you can ask for the documents below under FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)?

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