
Unity in the Community Q&A

Answered by
Rev. Nathan A. Dixon,
Pastor of Trinity A.M.E. in Lansing, MI

Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between God and His children.  It is the place where pride is abandoned, and hope is embraced.  God desires a relationship with us all; but many of us settle for religion.  I often use the analogy the analogy of a wedding reception.  Those who have settled for religion are satisfied with being at the reception; but having a relationship with God, requires us to move from the reception to the “Honeymoon Suite.”  God desires intimacy, and when we are engaged in a two-way conversation with God, we are being intimate through prayer. 

When I pray I expect for God to hear me, and I also expect spending some time listening to what God has to say.  Too often, we pray without listening.  God is faithful enough to speak to us while we are in prayer, if we just listen.  I also expect peace after I pray.  Whatever it is, I have given it to God through prayer, and I am at peace and my soul is at rest, when I have spent time with God in prayer. 

The Unity in the Community Project was first started in August of 2006 at a Unity in the Community meeting at the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing located in East Lansing, MI.  It was a project created by the Publisher, Rina Risper to see how different or similar answers were to the same question about healing, prayer and religion.  The New Citizens Press welcomes answers to “What is prayer, and what results do you expect from it?” send us an e-mail at tncp@comcast.net or write us.  Please also send us a picture and your denomination.